FKFIC-L War 10

Celtic Glow Worms Timeline

Time Stamp

Thread 1

Thread 2

as told by the Vampbear

Friday 13 August

A Glow Worm in the Night

Flashback: Vampbear on Walkabout

Home Away From Home

Sunday 15 August

One Woman's Trash...

Pest Panic

Flashback: Experience is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Monday 16 August

I Need a Drink

Flashback: Vampbear on Walkabout

Look What I Found in the Streets!

Experience is a Terrible Thing to Waste...

Tuesday 17 August

Wednesday 18 August

Faer Afield

You Won't Shine if you Don't Glow

Thursday 19 August

The Atholl Brose

Friday 20 August

Getting Back

Green-Eyed Monster, Take One: Showers are for Sloshing

Saturday 21 August

Sunday 22 August

Sunday 22 August (night)

Monday 23 August (morning)

Green-Eyed Monster, Take Two: The "C" in "C-Day" is for "Chris"

Monday 23 August (evening)

Tuesday 24 August (morning)

Lucius' and Nicolas' Big Adventure


Tuesday 24 August (afternoon)

Tuesday 24 August (evening)

Wednesday 25 August

A Flash in the Night

Vampbear on Walkabout

Thursday 26 August

Desperately Seeking Scotswoman

Friday 27 August

Saturday 28 August

"Dunbar Wallace" Strikes Again

"Step We Gaily, On We Go..."

Flashback: "For a Year and a Day"

Sunday 29 August

"For a Year and a Day"

(Hundreds of years in the future...)

Flashforward: "For a Year and a Day"

Celtic bar from Cari's Clip Art page

The Fiendish Glow Web Site is Copyright ©1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2011 Brenda Bell and the Celtic Glow Worms. The Fiendish Glow is a fictional location.